Saturday, October 29, 2016

GREEK BLUE and COLOR LAYERS nightstand inspiration

With the summer weather being so
nice the bug has hit me to start a
million different projects and not
finish any of them. The rest of the
year Im quite focused and I dont
start one thing with out the last
being wrapped up and ready to go.
Well I am pleased to let you know
one has been finished and its cute
as a button.

This little 3 drawer chest was found at a yard sale. It is a modern piece made
 of manufactured woods and has been quite banged up over its short little life.
Perfect for a layered distressed effect.

The first layer was Pure White then Greek Blue on all the edges that would be distressed.
The final layer and top color was a custom mixed turquoise, it was a very soft Florence mix.
I distressed with 220 sand paper and waxed with Minwax Natural.