Wednesday, October 26, 2016

CLOCK CABINET my charity donation


The Passionate Homes Chairs for Charity Auction is underway
and all the donations are now on display at Frosting. All the silent
auction items are now open for bidding so stop by and see what
you want to place a bid on. I posted a lot of the pictures yesterday,
and saved my donation to share with you today.

Ive been on the mend from an injury and I just wasnt ready to commit to over doing
 it and re-injuring myself creating a donation. So I chose to donate a dresser I already finished before
 I was hurt. Everyone understood but I guess somewhere something continued to nag at me about the choice.
I woke up Sunday morning (the day before set up) after dreaming about a creation I wanted to do for
 the auction. I kept quiet for several hours but it continued to bother me. I finally open my mouth and
 shared the dream and asked if I should do it. I knew I could, I knew I had just enough time but I had
 to make up my mind and get started, but I also had to be careful.

I had a great support system all day, when I needed anything it was there. Sometimes it was moving
 something too big, or doing some strong arm cutting on the chop saw, I even had a tea waiting for
 me when I needed to take a break. In the end Im happy to report I did not hurt my shoulder.
Im not going to say other parts didnt hurt when I climbed into bed that night cause they sure did.
Here is a progress photo taken late in the day.

I did have a very ornate piece on the top (above)
but eventually changed the design to the clock (below)
It suited the country design I created when I chose to work with the rustic barn boards.
BEFORE                               AFTER
She is built in two pieces and going in the live auction THURSDAY NIGHT.
I hope she gets a good number for the charity but brings a great smile to the new owners face.